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Tracey Rogers, our Monthly Fibre Artist Feature - September

Writer's picture: Sarah ShielSarah Shiel

The first thing I will say about Tracey is that she is brilliant and I am so glad to see that she is finally accepting that she has become an artist in her own right when it comes to Macrame portraits.

I met Tracey for the first time at my old home earlier this year when she came to browse the shop one night after spending the day in Adelaide on some business. She arrived and was so excited choosing her macrame cotton, so of course we instantly got along. Tracey humbly showed me these amazing portraits she had started making. I was blown away by the skill level, the patience and the uniqueness of them. They were far from my style of Macrame but I was drawn to them and absolutely in awe. She was also fairly new to Macrame at this stage but I could tell she had already found her groove. Since then, I have watched Tracey expand on her portraits of actors and famous people to more detailed portraits of animals and most recently one of her gorgeous grandson. I just had to share more about her and bring her the acknowledgement and love from our fellow community she deserves.

Lets go meet Tracey...

Tell us in a few sentences a little bit about yourself:

Hi there my name is Tracey Rogers I am from Kalangadoo in South Australia. We live on a farm, we grow potatoes and have cattle (Herefords and Angus) and sheep. I have been married to Colin for 35 years, known him since I was 12 and I am sorry but I got the best he treats me like an absolute queen. We have two wonderful sons Luke and Jayden a beautiful daughter in law Nicole and grandchildren Harper nearly 8, Marley 5 and Chett (appears as a portrait with my macrame) nearly 3 whom we absolutely adore, the other two I will macrame in the future as well. I have two dogs Jeb (also appears in my portrait macrame) and Bundy-girl who are my best mates and two Scottish Highlands Moogen Freeman and Harry he was Prince Harry but we had to drop the title.

Please share one random/ interesting fact about you.

I am a qualified Personal Trainer and had the local gym until COVID hit, I closed as it was too hard to keep Covid safe with people coming and going and if I was called to do something on the farm I wasn’t there to keep an eye on things but now I have found macrame and much happier. I do have to mention another fact, I struggle with praise from people and for a few months I couldn’t see what people were saying how good my macrame was, how beautiful, how talented etc etc but its getting easier now and I am so very grateful and the first time I was called an artist I struggled to accept it lol.

Which fibre art/s has sent you down the rabbit hole?

Crochet I have never ever been able to master it I can knit, do tapestries, cross stitch, wool projects but I admit defeat with crocheting

How long have you been creating?

I started macrame January 22nd 2021 so not long at all

How/Why did you get into it?

I used to struggle with this but I find it helps telling my story now. December 4th last year I had a breakdown, I finally gave in and started antidepressants for anxiety and depression I had also been chewing the skin around my fingers so my Dr suggested I find something to do with my hands so I started macrame January 22nd this year. The medication…well the only way to describe it but it released my mind as it was settled for the first time in many years and found I could create especially the portraits I do now.

What are your future fibre goals?

I would love to do 3D baby scans as a special present for a nursery. I have one ready to go but have a few portrait orders to finish first

What is it about fibre art that makes you love it the way you do?

I can let myself go and I feel so free and just love creating

What is your most challenging piece to date?

Freda a portrait I did was most challenging but actually looked easy to do

How have you learnt your craft - self-taught, workshops, books, online tutorials?

I am self taught I did see a lady overseas who had done a portrait and I asked many times how to do it and she wouldn’t tell me. After 6 weeks of researching absolutely everything and finding nothing at all, I awoke at 2.00am in the morning woke my husband and said I have worked it out it was hilarious and from that day on I have not stopped.

Do you have a favourite book or tutorial you would recommend?

I love anything that has the word macrame or weaving on the front.

Is there a fibre artist that inspires you the most?

Share.the.knot and nossboss_creations her smile makes my day

What would you say to someone who is thinking about getting into the craft but isn’t sure?

Please, please, please do it because it will bring you so much satisfaction I call it my meditation. Start small learn basic knots and then find your ‘thing’ mine is portraits I do other things as well but always come back to my portraits

What is your favourite knot/technique to do? Why

Double half hitch knot because its how I do my portraits and because I was a knitter and always had good tension I find I am the same with this knot doing my portraits.

What is your favourite VADA BLUE fibre to use and why?

Where do I start I have loved everything so far it is so beautiful to work with. I really want to learn weaving in the future as I just drool when I see what Sarah has to offer and the excitement of getting my orders is a highlight….addicted…..yes…..why not

Anything else you think of that people might find useful or interesting.

I would like to add that please always help people if they ask I was denied this as I have said above and now I have graphed over 150 photos of people, animals you name it and all over the world. I have answered over a 1,000 messages in 3 days every time I put up a portrait because I want everyone to macrame all over the world and feel the way I do

Much love Trace xx

You can find Tracey on Instagram @trace_rogers_macrame. Be sure to head over and check out more of her amazing work, connect and don't be afraid to ask questions. One thing I love about Tracey is that she appreciates the benefits Macrame can have on the soul, and is always happy to help others learn and experience these themselves.

Tracey, thanks so much for sharing with us.

Sarah xx


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